29.11.2011 21.11 km

Distance Duration Avg. Pace Avg. Speed
21.11 km 1:52:09 h:m:s 5:19 min/km 11.29 km/h

1-17 km: Good. Average pace was roughly between 5:10 and 5:15 min/km.
18-22 km: Not best. Average pace about 5:40 min/km. I have tried to think different reasons for this hurting hip, but again, it just needs heavy stretching.

Tip: I found a way how to keep running even hip begins to sense strained: do longer steps and run with your hip by twisting it (disclaimer: not a medical advice). My discover helped that much, that instead of two stars I gave free for this run!

Do you have your own stretching and running tips for a strained hip?

Categories Run
  • Relatively good run for the first 17 kilometers. I was feeling good and hip didn't bother.
  • Relatively inconvenient for the last four kilometers. Still strained hip. It needs some heavy stretching.
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